Foster Acupuncture

Safety Protocols

Office Visit Instructions   |    Home Visit Instructions
What we are doing to ensure your safety
  • Dani will be completing self-assessment for COVID-19 as well as taking her temperature prior to the start of each shift.
    **Please note that if the self-assessment indicates that Dani or any member of her household is at risk for COVID-19 and required to self-isolate, you will be contacted to reschedule your appointment.**
  • Dani will be wearing a medical procedure mask and eye protection for the duration of your treatment. (for home visits, Dani will change into clean/sanitized shoes at the door for use while in your home).
  • As always, Dani will be washing/sanitizing her hands regularly before and after treatment procedures.
  • We strongly encourage contactless payment. You can choose to add your credit card payment information to your account so we can automatically bill for your appointment. Click here to learn more about this option. We also accept Interac e-transfer payment sent to
  • All receipts will be issued electronically.
  • Reminders of physical distancing, proper hand hygiene and staying home when sick will be displayed throughout the office.
  • All surfaces and equipment used for treatment will be disinfected with cleaning agents approved by Health Canada for use against COVID-19. **For home visits all equipment is disinfected prior to arrival at your home.**
  • All commonly touched surfaces such as doorknobs, light switches, telephones, keyboards, screens and pens will also be sanitized.

Important Considerations

It is impossible to provide acupuncture treatment while maintaining appropriate physical distance. This means that despite all of the abovementioned precautions, it is impossible to eliminate all possible risks involved with in-person acupuncture treatment. Please consider your own tolerance of risk when considering visiting the office.

Help Reduce the Spread of COVID-19

  • Maintain physical distancing.
  • If you need to cough or sneeze, do so into your elbow or a tissue. Immediately sanitize your hands after.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.
  • Stay home if you are sick.